Client Declaration

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Step 1 of 2
1. Has any applicant, or any other person included in this application ever OVERSTAYED a visa in any country (including Australia)?
2. Has any applicant or any other person included in this application ever had a visa CANCELLED in any country (including Australia)?
3. Has any applicant or any other person included in this application ever had a visa REFUSED in any country (including Australia)?
4. In the last 10 years, have you, or any other person included in this application, visited, or lived outside your country of passport for MORE than 12 consecutive months (other than Australia)?
5. In the last 10 years, have you, or any other person included in this application, visited, or lived outside your country of passport for LESS than 12 consecutive months (other than Australia)?
6. Has the applicant or any other person included in this application ever been CONVICTED OF AN OFFENCE in any country (including any conviction which is now removed from official records) (including traffic offences)?
8. Has any applicant ever been charged with any offence that is currently awaiting legal action (including traffic offences)?
9. Has any applicant ever had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia?
10. Has any applicant ever served in a military force, police force, state sponsored / private militia or intelligence agency (including secret police)?